Little Salmon

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Sweet little salmon, so fast and so swift;

She keeps up with the others so big and so strong.

Swims up strong river and jumps through the falls

And moves past others so big and so strong.


When thousands of miles past, when the most powerful even gasp,

She’s still out in front, ahead of the pack.

When her journey is done, and she turns toward the others with smiling eyes and salmon pride,

Eyes cut through her still.


Sweet little salmon, so fast and so swift, but not seen;

She keeps up with the others so big and so strong, to no avail;

Swims up strong river and jumps through falls alone,

And moves past others so big and so strong,

So when faced with her stare, eyes cut through her still.


She never spawns but is pushed out river toward jaws of death,

By those who notice her and say,

Sweet little salmon so small and so sad, only fit as a morsel.

Sweet little salmon tried hard like us, but she is too small, sick, and simple to swim with the pack.


Sweet little salmon please swim past jaws of death,

And swim back thousands of miles alone.

And begin again, for you and me.

For all of us deserve reprieve.